If this now enough, then let me tell that recently Reliance Jio also announced that it is giving 100% cash back to its prime customers on recharges of Rs.399. The new offer is a part of the promotion in the upcoming festive season of Diwali. We all know, the telecom operator Reliance Jio is about to dominate the smartphone section by launching the cheapest 4G handset on the Indian market. Reliance Jio had already unveiled its much-talked 4G VoLTE feature phone in India back in July 2017. After the launch of the new 4G smartphone at an effective price of Rs. 1349 in a partnership with Celkon by the largest telecom company, of course, Bharti Airtel, now Reliance Jio want to compete the largest telecom company, of course, Bharti Airtel in this segment. As recently, in a statement, a Jio spokesperson stated that “JioPhone, ‘India ka smartphone’ is committed to fulfilling the country’s digital vision. Jio welcomes the initial 6 million Indians who are moving to digital life with the JioPhone and will soon announce the next JioPhone booking date”. Not only that even a company insider told FactorDaily that “There are not enough apps compatible with KaiOS but people are working on developing special versions for the JioPhone”. So, all these things are clearly indicating that the Reliance Jio might be working on a free Android smartphone simply to take down other players in the telecom sector with a huge storm. Moreover, a reliance Jio executive stated that “company will manufacture at least 10 million KaiOS-based JioPhones” yes, it means all who have already pre-ordered the JioPhone are likely to get it shortly. So, what do you think about this? Simply share your views and thoughts in the comment section below.