In today’s era Technology rolling very fast, people need more comfort with the lifestyle, now after Siri, Cortana now Google will relaunch and modify its old and first software as we can also say that as a personal assistance “Google Now” Google Now previously with the voice search makes very delay and sometimes unable to understand the queries that the users asking to find out but, unfortunately, it lays downs, now it wouldn’t happen, Google has made many changes from the overall application as well as from the web. the Voice Search modification can now understand the users intention to search for what they want…

Google Voice Search to Answer More Complex Questions

Now also we can;t say wrong about our Google which we love the most, the wrong saying is we have troubles in making command in voice search, sometimes users pronounce the work or the whole sentence in a different manner in which it will be quite a hard for Google Voice Search to catch. In every country the language of people is somehow different, Russian, China, Germany, France, Brazil and India have total different tough to pronounce English and the listening is also different for Google Voice Search makes harder to catch. Now the app has been developed more accuracy to better understand natural language of users even more complex searches… In the year 2008, Google launch Voice Search for its customers and users, which is only available for Google Web, later it was announced for Android and Apple iOS smartphones. Now suppose if any users needed to search something important from Google, Google will only require the person, place or the things the users wanted to know. In order to get answers, you should have to question the accurate question just like the meaning full question as ‘Barack Obama’? the whole WiKipedia will display or if you need another search as ‘Powerful Man In the World’ the answers will come with an accuracy of the same question asked.

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The overall review says that Google now can able to answer even more complex question than in the past users have asked, also google now will also answer question about the location as Map, frequent question regarding the map will encourage users to search more without scrolling anymore.. And now how much more to help and comfort you gonna need in the real life.. get a life…


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