This decision may unleash a trade war between China and the United States which was already initiated, with unforeseeable consequences, which may affect all technological markets and the world economy. And do not forget that Huawei is the world’s second-largest seller of smartphones, as we told earlier.

BAD NEWS! Google Blocks Huawei To Use Android

According to the well-known media portal, Reuters, just after the refusal of Donald Trump and the United States to the famous Chinese smartphone manufacturer, of course, Huawei, the tech giant Google announced the breakdown of commercial relations with the famous Chinese brand Huawei. As the world’s second-largest smartphone manufacturer, Huawei will not be able to install Android updates or any Google apps, including Google Play Store and Gmail. In simple words, from now on, Huawei smartphones will not be able to install Android updates, update Google Play apps, or use apps like Gmail, Chrome, etc. However, the fact is that, if you want, then you can access those Android updates through the open source channel that exists but without the technical support or advice from the tech giant Google. Also Read: Top 30 Best Antivirus For Your Android Smartphone This decision may unleash a trade war between China and the United States which was already initiated, with unforeseeable consequences which may affect all technology and the world economy. And do not forget that Huawei is the world’s second-largest seller of smartphones, as we told earlier. Since a few months ago, the commercial confrontation between the United States and China has intensified, after the President of the United States, of course, Donald Trump accused the well-known Chinese brand Huawei of working for the Chinese government, installing back doors in their networks and devices to facilitate surveillance, although they have not presented any evidence. Hence, for this reason, a senior manager of the Chinese smartphone brand Huawei  was arrested a few months ago. Since then, both China and the United States have imposed tariffs on their respective products. Recently, the Trump Administration added the Chinese brand Huawei to the Department of Commerce blocklist, forcing American companies to stop having commercial relations with Huawei. However, according to the well-known media portal, Reuters, the tech giant Google would have been the first to comply with the recently approved law, but other US companies that have commercial relations with Huawei, like Qualcomm, Intel, NVIDIA, will have to make a similar decision. Also Read: Top 25 Ultimate Hidden Tricks and Features Of Android The details are still confusing, as there is still no official communication from both companies, but according to Reuters, the Chinese brand Huawei’s lawyers are already working on the issue. Hence, as soon as we get any information regarding this issue, we will update you. So, what do you think about this? Share all your views and thoughts in the comment section below. And if you liked this post, do not forget to share this post with your friends and family.


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